2024 Small Works Show artist Greg Scheibel
Greg Scheibel has always felt a strong connection to the outdoors. Having grown up in Bozeman, he has spent a great deal of time hiking, fishing, backpacking, and closely observing his surroundings, which has led to a deep appreciation for the remote locations and unspoiled beauty of the West, which is the main inspiration for his paintings. Greg paints on location as often as possible, trying to capture an honest record of the values, color, and feel of an area. Greg is a Signature member of The Oil Painters of America, the NWR (Northwest Rendezvous Group of Artists), The Rocky Mountain Plein Air Painters, the Montana Painters Alliance, Artist Member of the Charlie Russell Riders, and an Out of State Artist Member of the California Art Club. His work has garnered numerous awards, and he has been featured in magazines, including Art of the West, Western Art Collector, Southwest Art, Distinctly Montana, Plein Air Magazine, and Big Sky Journal. Greg lives in Bozeman with his wife Tracy.