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March 6 - July 13

Women in Wyoming: Portraits and Interviews of Women Who Shape the West shares the stories of 25 inspiring, impactful women who make their mark in the Cowboy state.

Women in Wyoming uses photography and audio interviews to promote the integrity, civility, diversity, legacy, and spirit of women and girls. The project connects the past to present. Wyoming led the country in the advancement of women as the first state to recognize women’s right to vote. Where are we now? The project celebrates the women and girls who forge our future. Their stories add a strong, female voice to America’s cultural history and to the current media from the rural West today.

An opening reception to announce the exhibition takes place at The Brinton Museum on March 7 beginning at 5:00 PM. Exhibit creator Lindsay Linton Buk and exhibition participant Rosie Berger from Big Horn will present acknowledgements and introductions. Two-time World Champion Hoop Dancer and educator Jasmine Pickner Bell “Good Road Woman” (Crow Creek Dakota Sioux Tribe) from the Wind River Indian Reservation will present a hoop dance. State of Wyoming’s 9th Poet Laureate Barbara Smith from Rock Springs will give a poetry reading. The reception to honor the project participants is offered free and open to the public.


Women in Wyoming was made possible thanks to the incredible generosity and partnership of the following donors and organizations: Hughes Charitable Foundation, the Equipoise Fund, Womentum, Center of Wonder, REALM Global, Brimmer Communications, Mary Armour and Jean Lewis, Jessica Case, Debby and David Hopkins, Carol and Jim Linton, Noa and Ted Staryk, Wyoming Humanities Council, Don and Judy Opatrny, Ellen Raisbeck, Helen and Fred Arbuckle, Bobby Model Charitable Fund, Mark and Nancy Anselmi, Petria and Scott Fossel, Richard Georgi and Sanae Ishikawa, Outpost Inc, Soroptimist of Jackson Hole, Stacy Astor, the Thursday Roundtable Fund, and the Wyoming Council for Women. The Wyoming Community Foundation serves as the project’s nonprofit fiscal sponsor.

Additional support in part by grants from the Edwin T. Meredith Foundation and Tucker Foundation and: